Coronavirus closing gyms. Truly a gym rats nightmare. Without a gym how do we stay in shape? How do we stay fit without machines? These are just the many questions that come across our heads. And while staying home in quarantine, many of us are beginning to have the urge to get off our couches and get active. Since the beginning, quarantine has not been a fan of mine. It was pretty hard for me to transition to online schooling as well as find a routine at home that keep me both productive and active. As much as I wanted to binge Netflix and eat my favorite snacks, I knew I had to find a healthy balance within my new routine.

While doing some research about my local gyms, I have noticed these gyms are now moving digitally. The gym I go to at home Planet Fitness, is now bringing the gym to me. They are now beginning to upload workouts on their Youtube and Facebook page. Within the ABC 10news article Coronavirus closes gyms: Which fitness centers have shuttered its doors, we get to see the which gyms have moved digitally and which gyms are proceeding to new orders until further notice. These gyms include Planet Fitness, Golds Gym, Anytime Fitness, Orange Theory, and many more.

For those who are unfamiliar with these gyms, there are also many apps that can be downloaded on our smart devices that provide many workouts. I am a big fan of these, and have been using during my time in quarantine. Within Lindsey Romain’s article Exercise for Free During Quarantine With These Apps we explore the many exercise apps for every workout goer. Some of these apps which I didn’t even know existed. There are now so many ways we can stay fit digitally. From Youtube videos, to Facebook or even the classic at home workout dvd’s.

As difficult as it is for me to not have the luxury of a gym or instructor, I have found ways to make sure that I get a workout in some how. Even though their are days where I just want to find an ecuse not to workout, I am fortunate to have my siblings to motivate me and push me to get moving. Recently, my brother and I have been going on daily walks and jogs around our neighborhood. Not only do we get a workout in, but we also experience quality bonding time together. Something that I didn’t have with him while being away at school. It is so nice to not only be working out, but to reminisce about old times and new. Being able to workout and talk with my siblings has truly helped with my anxiety during this difficult time. There is always a way to find the good in a bad situation. This is how I know having a daily exercising routine can help not only me, but others.

Lastly for those who don’t prefer the digital workout its also great to just step outside. Luckily with the change in season, we are now able to get outside, soak in some sun, appreciate nature at its finest and just breathe.

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