With the last few weeks of the semester coming to a close, Finals are quickly approaching. This means final exams, final papers, group presentations, and even last minute cover letters for summer internships! Here’s a video on how to start prepping to make your Finals Week go by smoothly:

Have a final paper due? Use the Writing Center:

The SJU Writing Center is located in Merion 162, with a satellite location in Post Learning Commons 128 (typically referred to as the “New Side” of the library). For more info about the writing center visit https://sites.sju.edu/writingcenter/for-students/ , and https://sju.mywconline.com/ to make an appointment.

Flash cards aren’t working and you need a tutor? The Student Success Center is your best solution:

The Student Success Center is an amazing way to get help academically, emotionally, socially, with health related obstacles, family emergencies, and even disciplinary actions. Not only is the staff amazing, but just by signing up online (https://sites.sju.edu/thesuccesscenter/olr/peer-tutoring/) you can meet with counselors who are able to help you find better study habits or even show you how to achieve something as simple as efficient note taking. Alongside this there are skilled tutors, usually students, who have great knowledge in many different subjects who are able to help you and answer your specific questions. https://sites.sju.edu/thesuccesscenter/student-success/services-offered/

Location: Ground Floor of Bellermine

Roommates being distracting? Book a room in the library:

Yes, studying at home in your pajamas can be comfortable and cozy, but if you live in a four person apartment like most of us your roommates are definitely going to be distracting. The easiest way to solve this problem is to simply book a private room in the library and if you decide you want company that’s no problem there are rooms available for up to 5 people. The best part of booking a room is that you can get them with whiteboard, computers, and even sometimes projectors to help you study even more or work on important presentations. Here’s the link to book one, just sign in with your sju email and password and enjoy the peace and quiet! 

How to Book: https://sites.sju.edu/library/about-us/space/

All of a sudden feel under the weather? Tea remedies:

The number one most important thing to try and do before and during finals week is stay healthy. However when the stress and lack of sleep start to hit, this can prove to be impossible. If this is happening to you the best way to help your body out is by drinking tea! A glass with every meal will surly in a couple days start to help. From “throat coat” teas to “calm chamomile” your body will thank you and so will your final grades.

Where to buy: Trader Joes, Target, Giant, or Whole Foods

Need a break from studying? Check out workout classes in O’Pake:

Going alone with trying to stay healthy is excersize. Because we know during this busy time of year that its hard to build in a workout, SJU has them planned out for you. O’Pake has a plethora of classes at various times that you are able to participate in. This not only will get your blood flowing again but will get your mind away from hitting the books for a little bit without taking too much time out of your day.

O’Pakes Hours: https://sites.sju.edu/recreation/aboutus/hours-event-calendar/

Classes Calendar: https://sites.sju.edu/recreation/fitness/fitness-class-schedule/

With all of these helpful tips we hope that finals is smooth sailing! Good luck, rest up, and study smart!

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