The March For Our Lives is a movement started by students to show their support for all of the victims of school shootings and to raise awareness for this issue that has been present in the U.S. school system for too long. The purpose of this movement is to pressure the government into enforcing a much more strict gun policy to ensure the safety of the american people. The main focus of this march is on the kids, because they are the ones who have been at risk as of late with school shootings. This march was a direct response to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that occurred, but it is not just because of that particular shooting. There have been a slew of other school shootings as of late and that is what has caused the unease and dissatisfaction among the masses that were in attendance of the march. This also inspired many others to go out and march even if they aren’t in the same area, hundreds of sibling marches followed the lead of those courageous citizens who decided to take a stand.

“We came together on March 24th and through continued unity, we will save lives. We will not stop our advocacy until we see the change we demand – a change that is necessary in order to save innocent lives across our nation.”

5 things you can do to make an impact and make your voice known:

Call congress

  • Make calls to your local and state representatives in support of March For Our Lives and talk to them about policy reforms that are stated in their petition. By doing this act, you have make a big impact on your local and national government.

Donate/ purchase merchandise

  • March for our Lives is selling original merch to support and benefit the cause. They include: hats, t-shirts, onesies, bags, bandana, and much more!Image result for march for our lives merch

Sign the petition

  • Signing the petition goes much further than just writing your name. By doing so, you are helping to world become a better place. Also, when signing your name you are standing in support of justice.

Share on Social Media

  • #MarchForOurLives : Spreading your voice on every platform possible is vital for the cause.

Image result for #marchforourlives

Go to marches in your city

  • Keep an eye on your local state representatives for future events and where the next March can you near you!


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