Imagine looking out your window while doing homework and seeing the Colosseum. Well, you can! Studying abroad is an opportunity at Saint Joseph’s University that adds even more to a student’s experience. We wanted to check in with some of our fellow Hawks as they are currently studying abroad.

Camila Acosta in Nyhavn. A 17th- century canal system and entertainment district in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Meet Camila Acosta! She is a junior majoring in early childhood and special education. She is currently studying in Copenhagen, Denmark. Her specific study program is at the Danish Institute of Study. This program involves choosing one core class that will dictate the focus of the trip. It includes four classes and a lab on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Acosta says that studying in Denmark has given her many opportunities such as 40 hours of work experience in her direct field of study. Denmark and Finland have the world’s best educational systems, therefore, studying there has been extremely beneficial. Acosta is an advocate of traveling and says that studying abroad is only possible if you plan ahead.  

Gabriela Reyes strolling through the streets of Florence, Italy.

Meet Gabriela Reyes! She is a junior majoring in food marketing and minoring in Italian. She is currently studying in Florence, Italy. Her specific study program, Florence University of the Arts, is centered around her minor. It includes five core classes that are required courses.

Reyes says how she really enjoyed getting a view of the professional world through her experiences. It is very relaxed, and she could imagine herself working in Italy in the future. Reyes’ best experience studying abroad was traveling to Sardinia, Italy, a island in the Mediterranean Sea.  

Juan Camilo Cheng in front of St. Peters Basilica, Vatican City.

Meet Juan Camilo Cheng! He is a junior double majoring in accounting and business intelligence and analytics, and minoring in theology. He is currently studying in Rome, Italy at the American University of Rome, which requires him to take classes that fulfill his GEP requirements established by Saint Joseph’s University.

Cheng takes an Archeology class, a general Analytics class, and a politics and religion class. He says that traveling is one of the most important parts of the program. Students do not have classes on fridays, so Cheng uses this time to explore Rome.






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