As the season begins to change and the semester comes to a close, we here at SJU have become very introspective about our time thus far at SJU. For many of us, SJU is a place where creative minds can come together to form a community of growth, companionship, and intellectual growth. Along with this, we can all say that SJU in some shape or form has become like a second home for us. No matter the demographic, everyone of us has a reason of why we decided to make a home here. So for those who are currently living on campus, commuting from your home, leaving SJU, or considering SJU to be that second home for you, sit back and watch this video on what there is to love about SJU from the people who are currently enrolled here.

In the end, whether you commute, live on or off campus, or are an international student, anyone can find a home here at SJU. The opportunities are endless, and the comfortability and the wealth of knowledge to be attained by attending is priceless. One of the greatest things about SJU that sets it apart from other universities is its core values. Perseverance, inclusion, and ethics are some of the many values instilled within our faculty and students which work to create an even more authentic type of learning environment. So no matter where you may find yourself on this thing called Earth, always know that there is a place for those seeking higher education and a place to become the the best student/person possible here at SJU. And remember, The Hawk Never Dies.

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