Relay For Life at SJU

What happens at Relay?

Opening Ceremony: Where Relay participants are welcomed.

Survivor Lap: People currently affected by cancer and survivors walk the track.

Caregiver Lap: Those who have supported others affected by cancer during their treatment, walk the track.

Team Celebration: Student teams get out on the track to begin the celebration.

Team Lap: Student teams take turns walking the track to symbolize the ongoing fight against cancer.

Games! Activities! Entertainment!

Dance Team performance

Luminarias: Lanterns, or luminarias, are lit in memory of those who were affected by cancer and to remind those currently affected by cancer that they are not alone in the fight.

Closing Ceremony: The end of Relay, where everyone comes together to thank those who participated and helped set up the event, and to “remind us that we will continue to participate in Relay for Life until cancer is no more”.

What Relay means to me…

“Relay to me means a bunch of people getting together to fight a cause that we all have been affected by in some way.” –Teddy Dylinski ’20

“With my uncle dying of esophageal cancer a year ago, he didn’t get to see his daughter graduate or his son turn 16 or share an unforgettable moment like the Eagles super bowl. I relay so that kids get to hit milestone moments with their parents attendance, and so that every son gets to have a lifetime bond with their father like I have.”– Chuck Scalies ’20

“To me Relay means a group of people, passionate about making sure no one has to suffer the loss of a loved one to cancer anymore.” –Pauline Alfonso ’20

Relay at Saint Josephs University:

At SJU Relay Takes place in Hagen Arena and is 12 hours long. Organizations including sororities, fraternities, orientation leaders, music groups, athletes, and many many more come together raising money and walking all night around the court for awareness. During the event their is food, games, performances, and activities that participants take part in throughout the night. Relay at SJU is extremely special and something everyone should one day take part in.

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