Most students can say that they have a love-hate relationship with college. One week you can be thriving after an awesome weekend and the next week you can be crying because of the exam grade you received. Shockingly, it is almost the middle of the semester so grades are going to be out soon. If you are going to be disappointed, or currently are, keep reading to find out how you bounce back.
Writing Center:
As students and writers here at SJU we can all say that we have received a writing assignment and have been completely lost. Coming to save you, Saint Joe’s offers a free writing service for us writers at three different locations to be convenient for everyone. Most of the tutors are students as well and are happy to help with anything you need even if it is not for a class. If you are curious and want to know how to register and schedule an appointment watch this short video.
Talk to Professor / Office Hours:
Coming to a private university where the classes are small we are at a huge advantage when it comes to Professors. Attend office hours and reach out to them if you are struggling because they are more than happy to help. Be honest with them and explain your struggles and they will do their best to guide you to success. DO fight your own battles and if you want to find out more about office hours etiquette read more here.
Talk to Advisor:
If you are shy and too nervous to talk to your professor, a great resource for you is to talk to your advisor or another advisor. All the advisors here at SJU are professors as well and may know some tips on how to do better in a class. They may help you come up with a plan to better manage your courses and work.
Study Groups:
Talk to the people you sit next to in class and tell them that you are struggling. Everyone has taken a class and struggled with certain concepts so do not be afraid to ask for help. According to Education Corner, forming study groups is effective for enhancing learning. Groups allow students to learn from each other and be able to teach confusing concepts to each other. A great place to meet up for study groups is the library!
Peer Tutoring:
If you are struggling in a class it is likely other students are as well. Saint Joe’s offers peer tutoring for a number of courses in a variety of different subjects for FREE. Well not really considering it’s part of “tuition and fees” but use it and get more for your money!