When choosing a college, you may have heard many times from parents or friends that you’ll feel a certain ~ vibe ~ when you visit the campus of your future school. Although you may have felt this “vibe” at other schools, Hawk Hill has most likely grown to serve as a home away from home for once skeptical students. For the majority of students, SJU has exceeded their expectations and has proven to be an even better fit than what they previously had anticipated. In essence, SJU appears to be the school where students “bloom where they are planted.”
The deep rooted community that the university has grown over the years is what tends to stand out most to students. Whether SJU was a first choice school, or simply served as an alternative option, students overwhelmingly seem to find their place and discover why SJU is the ideal school for them along their journey as a Hawk.
In an interview we asked two students —one whose first choice school was SJU and one who previously envisioned themselves attending another university— questions about their experience here at SJU. These interviews illustrate how these contrasting students both found their home on Hawk Hill, and could not be happier. Check out what they had to say!
Whether you are completing your first year as a member of the SJU community or savoring your final weeks on campus, it is important to take a moment and look back on the memories you have made here at SJU. Do you hold memories of exhilarating basketball games in Hagan Arena, or sitting on Villiger lawn under the sun with your friends? Regardless of how simple they may be, these SJU memories that you hold near have ultimately deepened the roots of this perpetually flourishing community.