Exploring the pros and cons of joining the Greek community from different points of view

You’ve probably seen glitter trails leading up to posters in Campion that are encouraging you to join one of the five different sororities on campus. These bright and sparkly posters are inviting you to come to Come meet the sisters of AOII or Fall in Love with Phi Sigma Sigma. The events, which usually feature a hot beverage and some sort of dessert, are meant to allow girls to mingle with the sororities on campus before formal recruitment next semester.

If you’re a freshman or sophomore, you’ve probably gotten more than one email from Stacey Sottung, the Associate Director of Student Leadership and Activities, telling you about all the benefits of joining a sorority

I’m sure you’ve seen pretty Instagram posts and stories from sorority girls sharing their ~candid~ pictures with bubbly captions about ‘Going Greek’ to meet your best friends in college, make amazing memories, and attend plenty of fun social events.

But is being in a sorority really all sparkles and candid laughing pictures?

Over winter break, freshman and sophomores will have the option to register for the weeklong recruitment process, with the hopes of finding the perfect sorority for them. There are probably some girls out there who want to rush, but are intimidated by the whole process. There are also probably people who have no interest in rushing because they have stereotypes about what it means to be a part of Greek life.

SJU Alpha Phi instagram post

Were here to help you decide if joining a sorority is the right choice for you, with perspective from current sorority members and girls might be on the fence about rushing.

Stefanie Recchio
Alpha Gamma Delta


The Social Scene: joining a sorority allows you to meet a ton of new people, and your calendar will likely be overflowing with fun events!

“You meet a ton of cool people and your social life becomes even more exciting and fun.”


The Time Commitment: Because of all the extra events on your calendar, you might find yourself having to readjust your priorities.

You have less time to study and relax and watch Netflix, which is definitely a down side.”


SJU Alpha Omicron Pi instagram post

Monica Glynn
Alpha Omicron Pi


The Opportunities: Joining a sorority will give you different opportunities to be successful like career networking, service, and academic resources.

Networking is definitely a huge pro—sisters can find opportunities from babysitting to full time jobs. Philanthropy is another opportunity that allows you to work hard and raise money for a cause.”


The cost: Each semester you have to pay dues. They cover the cost of membership as well as fun sisterhood events and social events.

The cost of joining is definitely a drawback, but they have different payment plans and scholarships if the cost is what’s holding you back”

Brooke Neal
Prospective Recruit


Being part of the community: Joining Greek life gives you a great support system of your own sorority and the entire Greek community.

“The social aspect seems is a pro and the idea of being part of a community.”


The fear of not fitting in: Joining a group of girls can be intimidating…especially with the way sororities are depicted in movies.

“I would be scared of not fitting in to the sororities.”


Joining a sorority is a great opportunity that will open the door to so many things, but it’s not for everyone. Hopefully this advice can help you decide whether or not to come out and rush in the spring semester!

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