Recently, Netflix announced that The Office, a beloved comedy series, will be taken off of their program this year. As most of us have been die hard fans of Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute, the question arises “What will I watch now?”. It’s okay because you’re not the only one panicking; we all are.
However, Netflix offers a wide variety of movies and shows for us to indulge in. Something that most people don’t notice is that Netflix streams international series from countries like Colombia, Spain, Germany, Brazil, and many more. Thankfully for us, they provide the option to have the dialogue translated into English subtitles, so we can fully understand what’s going on. Foreign shows have become more and more popular for American’s to watch. We’ve all heard of anime and Spanish soap operas, but it’s time to see what the other side of the world creates. Now, let’s take advantage of our $7.99/m subscriptions and stream some foreign shows.
Recommended Foreign Shows:
The End of the F***ing World– UK
If you like British accents, this is a must watch. James, a 17 year old, is a psychopath who kills animals. With his dark childhood past, he has bigger plans in mind when he meets Alyssa, another 17 year old. As the two naive and rebellious teens get to know each other, they decide to search for Alyssa’s father, whom had disappeared from her life at a very young age. James has trouble finding what he really wants in life, and Alyssa is making it even harder for him to kill his final target. Now, go watch and see what the two teens get themselves into before this spoils it for you!
Narcos– Colombia
Based in 1980’s Colombia, this show hones in on the life of Pablo Escobar and his affiliation with drug trading. The War on Drugs during the eighties heavily influenced the drug world to become more powerful than it had ever been. Narcos is a series that shows how violent, secretive, and competitive this cocaine drug smuggle was at the peak of its economic influx. If you’re a sucker for action and violence, Narcos is most definitely worth the watch.
Elite- Spain
The focus of this show is high school student life and how having an abundance of money affiliates with dark secrets and violent crimes. Three working-class teens transfer into a private high school in Spain and become involved in the extravagant lives of the wealthy students. The divide in their social economic standings evoke unwanted tension and leads to murder of a beloved student. This series is filled with drama, violence, and mystery; grab the popcorn see what it’s all about.
There are so many more foreign shows to binge watch on Netflix, however, these are just a few of the best. Take the time out of your day and become immersed in the amazing cinematography and acting that the rest of the world produces.