For most, coffee is a significant aspect of college life. It tastes good and it gives students much needed energy boosts while studying or working on homework. These characteristics are a given, especially for coffee lovers. 

However, what isn’t a given is which coffee shop on Hawk Hill offers the best study atmosphere. Between Starbucks, Saxby’s and Einstein Bagels, students have mixed reviews as to where they are able to most efficiently study. 


For Elissa Mauro, the obvious answer: Starbucks, “It’s bigger and more quiet [than the other options on campus],” Mauro said.

Elissa Maura getting her work done while enjoying some Starbucks. Photo by Jenna Leonzi.

Mauro prefers Starbucks over Saxby’s because of foot traffic. Being in the Campion Student Center, Saxby’s is almost always busy. If she needs to get work done, Mauro doesn’t want to be running into people. While the shop atmosphere is critical, price is also a significant part behind Mauro’s reasoning as well.


Photo Taken by Jenna Leonzi

Students such as Julianne Mcguire, Taylor Halteman and Julianna Russotci enjoy Saxby’s considering the convenience of it being closer to their freshman housing and food court. With that, all three Saxby’s fans love the relaxed and homey environment of their favorite spot. 

“We like Saxby’s because it is nice to see people that you know and it’s comfy to hangout,” Mcguire said. 


That leaves one last location: Einstein Bagels. For students like Erica Behr and Ana Sulentic, it’ the ideal location. It’s a convenient spot being in Merion Hall, a building where the two often have class. In terms of studying, Einstein’s place is the most appealing with this being the only place that has a second floor for extra space.  

“Einstein is bigger than all of the other [coffee shops] and there are more seats to work at and to socialize,” Behr said. Food is also a factor in the two students’ preferred study location. “Einstein has good food and quick breakfast or lunch options if you are running late or just want a bite to eat while working,” Sulentic said.  

Einstein Bagels during a long Wednesday morning. Photo by Jenna Leonzi.

There are pros and cons to each shop depending on the student. Whether it comes down to proximity, convenience, drink selection or eating, students have good reasons for exactly why they study at their preferred coffee shop. While not every student can agree on one shop, the general consensus is that all three locations are heavily utilized by students to work, study and cafenate. 

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