For many college students, last semester was a taste of what was to come. Stories of returning to on and off campus apartments and hurriedly packing what you could in the allotted time slots seem to be a common thread amongst students. While some schools offered the hybrid schedule of alternating in person and virtual classes, others chose to tackle this first semester completely online. Despite the ambiguity that our world has faced in these past months, one thing remains constant: final exams. Depending on what school you’re attending, final exams are slowly wrapping up or rapidly approaching. Either way, something that all students can look forward to is unwinding after this extremely untraditional semester. Here are a few ways to begin you post-semester relaxation:


As college students, we are chronically sleep deprived. Spend some time this break getting your sleep schedule back on track! In an article on, author Kirsten Nunez details 12 steps to help fix your sleep schedule. These are all super simple tips that will help you feel good and sleep even better!

Read (for fun!)

As an English major, I am always reading for my classes so I understand why most people are all too willing to put their books away when a break finally rolls around. However, reading for fun is one of the best and most rewarding pastimes. After finals, I’m planning on reading Untamed by Glennon Doyle and I cannot wait to start it. Set a goal for yourself, find a book you really want to read, and enjoy! If you’re in need of some inspiration, check out Saint Joseph’s University’s Writing Center instagram @sjuwrites for some recommendations! 


I know, I know. Exercising is the last thing on your mind after a grueling semester.However, something that I learned during the strange months of quarantine was how good it feels to be outside. Even going for a short walk to get out of the house will give you a boost of energy and a change of scenery. If you’re looking for something harder, check out this HIIT workout video that you can do from the comfort of your own home!

Have A Movie Day

Feeling particularly worn down from this semester? Take a day to truly indulge in having no assignments to worry about. Get into the holiday spirit by watching some festive movies or catch up on your favorite show, the possibilities are endless!

Get Creative

This was the first semester that I didn’t take an art class and I am seriously missing the relaxation that comes with drawing and painting. This is the perfect time to break out your pencils, pens, and paintbrushes and have some fun! If you need some inspiration on how to get started, check out pinterest for ideas!

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