Shannon Alexander is a senior at Saint Joe’s.

What are you involved in on campus?

“I am an orientation leader, I am a hawk host, I’m a City Belle, and I’m a member of a group called Pilot, which is the pharmaceutical marketing business society. I am a part of this program called SJU Lead, its about service and leadership. I am an office hawk. I used to have a work-study job on campus that I am not doing this semester. I used to work in admissions, the bio-diversity lab, I used to be a TA for chemistry classes, but I’m just not doing that this semester. But, I’ve done a little bit of everything, I feel like. ”

What is your favorite thing that you are involved in on campus?

“Probably Orientation.”

What’s your favorite quote?

“’Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything.’ It’s Father Pedro Arrupe, the Jesuit Priest and it’s that big poem he has about finding God and when you fall in love, it will decide what you do in the morning, what get’s you up in the afternoon, what books you read, who you know, what breaks your heart.”

Plans for after graduation?

“I am going for my masters.”

What is the best piece of advice anyone in your family has ever given you?

“Well my brother went to Saint Joe’s slash still goes to Saint Joe’s, he’s getting his Masters here in Finance. He was a junior when I was a freshman so it’s really nice having him. He gave me a lot of good advice, like basic stuff, like how to use the nest. But, he just kind of said: ‘take it all in.’ Be really mindful, not like mindful of others, but mindful of the moment you’re in. I appreciated that.”

Any advice you can give to underclassmen?

“It goes by so fast. You know, I wouldn’t change a thing, personally. But, it just goes by so fast and you just want to remember every moment. Maybe keep a journal, vlog it on twitter, Facebook, pictures. Take a lot of pictures. I don’t even have a picture of my freshman dorm!”


If this interview didn’t already make you fall in love with Shannon, make sure you say hey to her on campus and I guarantee you will!

-Maddie Michowski

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