Drake and Kanye are two rappers that have always been competing for top spots on various music charts. Drake, who released his hit album Views in April 2016, recently snagged a place on top music charts with his songs, One Dance, Hotline Bling, Fake Love, and Controlla.  But Kanye’s latest album, The Life of Pablo, was not a disappointment, either. To say Kanye’s fans went crazy is an understatement; the album was a complete success and featured hit songs including Famous, Waves, Ultralight Beam, and Father Stretch My Hands.

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But there is one question that many rap fans find difficult to answer: who is better? Despite the tough decision, fans tend to like one slightly more than the other. Here is what some of Saint Joseph’s very own students have to say about this face-off.


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Alex Gaydos: Depends on the mood I’m in. If you’re listening to Drake, you’re usually depres
sed (kind of, sometimes), especially his old stuff. Drake really hits you hard. Kanye’s music is more confident. I can’t pick one!

Keith Banquer: I’d pick
Kanye…Drake has that like, sad boy kind of vibe, but Kanye has a wider range and does the sad
boy vibe better.

Ari Flynn: Drake because Kanye is too cocky

Mark Wessol: Kanye because he’s the goat (“Anything else you’d like to elaborate on?”) He’s the goat. Like for real

Collin Giongo: Kanye because we just have a similar world view…I don’t know man. Like when he said, “They want me to be great…but they don’t want me to say I’m great?”

Annie Howath: Drake because he’s amazing and beautiful. Kanye is a d*ck.

Evelyn Russo: This is such a hard question. I feel like Kanye has been around forever and he’s a person I know a lot of rappers look up to. He’s done a lot of very original things. I’ve heard a lot of artists say if they could collaborate with any artist, it would be him. He’s still a d*ck though!

Nick Pedano: Kanye (“Details please Nick!!!”) This shouldn’t even be a question.

Credit: Google

Tyler Familo: Kanye Kanye Kanye. He 100% almost singlehandedly got me into hip-hop music with College Dropout and Late Registration which in my opinion are not only two of the best rap albums of all time, but also debatably two of the last PURE hip hop albums ever released. Kanye is also a producer and has made some of the craziest and most low-key popular beats out there that people might not even know about, like Izzo (H.O.V.A.), Heart of the City, Run This Town, and even Unbreakable by Alicia Keys. Not only does he produce all of his own material, he’s also been instrumental to the careers of many other artists. Kanye also, as crazy as he might be nowadays, it’s just crazy enough to stay on top of the game after all of these years by producing his own lines of clothing and shoes and also is able to change the mood/feel of his music with the snap of his fingers. Don’t get me wrong, I love Drake as well, but I just feel like he has succumbed more to the rising interest in pop music especially through the release of his last album [Views] and feel as if a lot more of his material has been through collaboration with other artists, whether it be through Young Money or just random collabs. He also might not have as original a mind as Kanye. Overall, I think Kanye can honestly just put out amazing projects with minimal effort and he doesn’t need to rely on anyone but himself for new and exciting content.


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