From our recent poll activity we had discovered that more than half of our respondents are staying in for Halloween this year. However, 38% of our respondents are planning to go out. We encourage all our respondents and our readers to stay home this Halloween for their own personal health and the health of our community. Staying in is the new going out, there are plenty of ways we can still get in the spooky spirit and have fun with our friends this Halloween. Although it may look different there is still lots of fun to be had and memories to be made.
In our other poll we had asked you what your favorite Halloween movie is, Halloweentown or Hocus Pocus. Hocus Pocus was the winner as 52% of our respondents had voted for it. However, Halloweentown wasn’t very far behind with the other 48% of our respondents choosing it over Hocus Pocus. This year, bring out the old Halloween movie classic, whether it be Halloweentown or Hocus Pocus and take a walk down memory lane. Dress up as one of your favorite characters from the movie and pick a winner out of your friend group. You can even whip up some of your favorite snacks to eat while movie watching but make them festive. I, for one, always crave some chocolate chip cookies when I see the iconic scene where Sophie uses her mind to move a cookie in Halloweentown. Can you tell which movie I voted for?
As a lot of you already know, Netflix has emerged as one of the most popular online movies and TV show providers in the world. Netflix has come up with a way to make sure that you and as many friends as you want can watch the same movie or show at the same time from different locations. No need to invite all of your friends over and squeeze onto a single couch to watch a movie when you can have a Netflix watch party. Not only does the Netflix watch party allow you and all of your friends to watch the show or movie at the same time, but it allows you to be able to chat with each other as well. During this Halloween, you will be able to choose from a hundred different Halloween movies to watch with your friends via Netflix watch party.
These are just some of the many activities that you can do this Halloween to make sure that you are doing your part in keeping your family and community safe. It’s important that you make sure that you spend this Halloween doing something fun and exciting. Halloween is a day that we only get to have once a year, but you need to make sure you and your friends take the responsible approach when deciding on how you all are going to spend your Halloween weekend.