Finding the perfect college is a lot harder than most people think. Kelly is a transfer student here at Saint Joesph’s. She originally attended Towson University in Maryland for one semester after realizing Towson was not her home. She came to realization after being extremely home sick, her mental health deteriorating, and the thought of a smaller school closer to home being more comforting.
“Saint Joseph’s University is definitely a better fit for me” Kelly happily states. She goes on to say that making friends here was so easy that it made her feel at peace after such a rough transition. Kelly is also from Cherry Hill, New Jersey so being closer to home was comforting. “The transition into college is hard itself, being far away from home on top of that makes it even harder.”
Apart from being closer to home and making friends, Kelly also enjoys her involvement here at Saint Josephs. She decided to put herself out their and apply to be in the Psych Honors Program for Psychology majors which she was accepted in. Being apart of the Psych Honors Program helped Kelly branch out and get involved on campus. Kelly is a Psychology major with a minor in communication studies.
Although transitioning from one college to another is extremely difficult and time consuming, Kelly knew its was in her best interest to. When she got her acceptance to Saint Joesph’s she was excited for a new beginning and everything her new college has to offer. She is also happy to say Saint Joesph’s helped her grow as a person and she finally found the perfect college for her. Kelly now has been here from spring freshman year to her spring junior year and plans on graduating next year.