Have you ever walked through the hallways and staircases of buildings such as Merion Hall or Mandeville and actually paid attention to the signs and posters that are on those walls? If you haven’t, you’re not alone. Here is a recap of what you’ve missed based on what hobbies, activities or likes you may have. Enjoy, and next time you’re in these hallways or staircases, take a look!
Merion Hall is the main building for the Liberal Arts community at Saint Joe’s. It holds many pieces of artwork, from photographs to hight size paintings. Many students pass through here those who are Communications majors, Education majors, and even those just taking required Gen Ed’s like theology or English. Because this building is so diverse the posters we found were just that, colorful and full of different types of information.
Here for example is a poster we found that would be perfect for someone interested in becoming a teacher. You can attend a panel of local experts on the topic and gain information that may help you in the future.
Date: April 11th
Time: 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Where: Seminar Room 2 McShain Hall 5th Floor
More of the posters posted on the doors of Merion leading into Einsteins include information on:
- Weekly Service information
How to get connected: Twitter= @WeeklyService, Facebook= SJU Weekly Community Service, Instagram= @sjuweeklyservice, Email= sjuweeklyservice@gamil.com
A speech by Dr. Bryant Simon a professor from Temple University about cheap labor, cheap government, and cheap food
Date: Tuesday, April 17th
Time: 11:00 am- 12:15 pm
Where: Presidents’ Lounge
A poster on Inside-Out: English 482.SL1/Sociology 376, a course titled “Everybody’s Protest: The Practice of Citizenship and Unthought.”
Date: Applications Due March 26th
Time of the class: Tuesdays from 5:30-8:30 pm
Taught by: Drs. Clampet-Lundquist and Lockridge
Take a closer look and if none of the posters we have adressed so far suite your interests here are some more.
Mandeville to many at SJU is known as the business building. This building holds mostly business courses and has many lecture halls and places for groups or organizations to meet. Because so many different organizations come in and out of this building, the posters reflected this.
Maybe you’re into film studies, or want to lean to draw better, or maybe you want to hear some of your favorite authors speak, or you are interested in pre law, the information posted in Mandeville is never ending and no matter what you are sure to find at least one thing you’d enjoy.
- Asian Film Studies: Film Series
Showing: Throne of Blood
Date: April 18th
Time: 5:30- 8:30 pm
Where: Barbeline 265
2. Register for Drawing 1 with Kathleen Vaccaro
When: Summer 2018, May 21-June 8 MTWR
Time: 6:00pm-9:20pm
Where: Toland Hall, 1st floor studio
Requirements: No previous studio art experience required or any prerequisites. The course fullfills the Art/Lit requirements.
Contact for Questions: Kathleen Vaccaro, kvccaro@sju.edu
3. Writing Series: Bill Roorbach
When: March 29th, 2018
Time: 6:30pm
Where: Seminar Room 2, Haub Executive Center/McShain 5th Floor
4. Pre-Law Calendar
When: Spring Break 3/11 through 3/18
Where: Depending on which seminar you are interested in the locations vary. Screenshot our picture below and zoom in for more information!