Transitioning from high school to college is a difficult and nerve racking experience for basically all students. The thought of having new friends, professors, living spaces, harder classes, and no parents is a lot to process for anyone. In an effort to help ease students into these sometimes difficult adjustments, a group of SJU students serve as “Red Shirts” during Orientation as well as throughout a Hawk’s first year on campus.

Orientation begins over the summer when Red Shirts welcome new students on to campus and serve as helpful guides throughout the next two days. Red shirts make Orientation a memory that you will never forget. From leaders jumping into your car at 8am to dancing all day and night long, Orientation makes you want to start a countdown to get back to Hawk Hill. Red Shirts are so invested in making new student’s transition easy and exciting, that they reunite their Orientation groups the first week of classes. These leaders display what it truly means to care for one’s neighbor and assist in strengthening the SJU community.

This week we sat down with Mike Zocco ’20 so he could explain his experience as a Red Shirt and why he decided to become a leader for new students in the SJU community.

Video Content Anastasia Korbal

A big thanks to Mike Zocco and all Red Shirts for being so “PHENOMENAL”!

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