Students at Saint Joseph’s University can take for granted the freedom they have with wearing whatever they want to class everyday. Waking up 20 minutes and throwing on sweatpants is standard behavior at colleges across America.
This is not the case everywhere, specifically in China. Students there are known to dress up way more for college than we do here. This difference in fashion is a surprise to students who come here for the very first time.
One example of this is shown through student Shangyu, an exchange student here at Saint Joe’s. Coming from near Shangahai, which is known as the “fashion capital” of China, she has a very interesting and vibrant style that contrasts with what students wear to class here.
The main difference between fashion at college here and in China is that American students tend to dress for comfort and far more casually than students in China do. This includes the athletic gear that many students wear to class here, which is not something they do in China. These fashion differences are one of many differences that causes culture shock between college students here and those from China.